Office on Tribal Relations

Office on Tribal Relations

2025 Indian Nations and Tribes Legislative Day


The activity of the Office on Tribal Relations is guided by Arizona Revised Statute and mandates the activity that shallor may be accomplished within a fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th).  The following statutes have been updated with the 52nd Legislature – Second Regular Session and are specific to the Office on Tribal Relations.

Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S.) Section 15-244

15-244. Office of Indian education; definition

C. At least once each year, representatives from all Indian nations, members of the state board, the governor's office, the governor's office on tribal relations, the intertribal council of Arizona, the legislature, the superintendent of public instruction and the Indian education advisory council shall meet to assist in evaluating, consolidating and coordinating all activities relating to the education of native American pupils.

Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S.) Section 41-844

41-844. Duty to report discoveries; disposition of discoveries; definitions

D. If American Indian human remains, funerary objects, sacred ceremonial objects or objects of cultural patrimony are involved, the director, in addition to giving notice as required in subsection B of this section, shall give notice to the tribes that occupy or have occupied the land on which the discovery is made and to the governor's office on tribal relations and the intertribal council of Arizona.

Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S.) Section 41-2051 to 41-2054 

41-2051. Governor's office on tribal relations; director; responsibilities of state agencies; report

  1. The governor's office on tribal relations is established. The office shall assist state agencies in implementing tribal consultation and outreach activities.
  2. The governor shall appoint the director pursuant to section 38-211. The director is entitled to receive compensation pursuant to section 38-611. The office may employ clerical, professional and technical personnel subject to chapter 4, article 4 of this title and shall prescribe their duties and determine their compensation pursuant to section 38-611.
  3. Each state agency shall:
    1. Develop and implement tribal consultation policies to guide the agency's work and interaction with the tribal nations of this state.
    2. To the extent practicable and permitted by law, seek input from appropriate elected or appointed tribal officials before undertaking any action or policy that will, or is reasonably believed to, have the potential to affect a tribal community or its members.
    3. To the fullest extent possible and to the best of the agency's ability, integrate the input generated from tribal consultation into the agency's decision-making processes to achieve mutually acceptable solutions.
    4. Designate a state member to assume responsibility for the agency's implementation of the tribal consultation policies and to act as the principal point of contact for tribal affairs.
    5. On or before October 1 of each year, review the agency's tribal consultation policies and submit an electronic progress report with performance measures to the office. The office shall make the reports available to tribal leaders and legislators.
  4. The office may initiate or assist programs on tribal land only on the request or with the approval of the tribal nation.
  5. At least once a year, the governor shall meet with the tribal leaders of the twenty-two tribal nations and communities in a state-tribal summit to address issues of mutual concern.

41-2052. Governor's office on tribal relations; state and local public officers and employees; powers; report

  1. On request, state and local public officers and employees shall furnish the governor's office on tribal relations with any information that the office may require for its purposes except for information that is not subject to disclosure pursuant to law.
  2. The office may:
    1. Apply for, accept, receive and spend public and private gifts or grants of monies and property on the terms and conditions as may be imposed by the donor and for the implementation of internal operations and forums for American Indian people to impart their knowledge on statewide issues.
    2. Accept, receive and spend fees collected at the Arizona Indian town hall to defer expenses for the Arizona Indian town hall.
    3. Assist in evaluating, consolidating and coordinating activities relating to the education of American Indian students.
    4. Serve as an informational clearinghouse and provide training on cross-cultural situations.
    5. Receive annual notice from the director of the state museum on the discovery of American Indian human remains, funerary objects, sacred ceremonial objects or objects of cultural patrimony.
    6. Promote increased participation by American Indians in local and state affairs.
    7. Work in conjunction with state agencies involved in economic development to design and initiate programs to stimulate economic growth of the American Indian population, including minority-owned and women-owned businesses.
    8. Establish an executive committee or other committees, as necessary.
  3. The office shall prepare a report that summarizes each state agency's annual progress report submitted pursuant to section 41-2051, subsection C that details the progress and challenges that the state agencies have experienced in implementing tribal consultation policies and shall submit the report to the legislature during a joint session held on Indian nations and tribes legislative day.

41-2053. Indian nations and tribes legislative day

  1. The governor's office on tribal relations, in cooperation with representatives from this state's Indian nations, shall annually facilitate an Indian nations and tribes legislative day on Wednesday of the first week of each regular legislative session. The office shall coordinate the planning and preparation of the legislative day with the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives and legislators who are native American. The senate shall host the legislative day in odd-numbered years and the house of representatives shall host the legislative day in even-numbered years. The hosting chamber shall hold a joint session of the legislature. The office shall invite the legislature and other elected officials to pay tribute to the history and culture of the American Indian peoples and their contributions to the prosperity and cultural diversity of the United States. The office shall schedule activities and discussions between state and Indian nations and tribal leaders on issues in which the state and Indian nations and tribes share a common interest or jurisdiction.
  2. Indian nations and tribes legislative day is not a legal holiday.

Section 41-2054. Indian town hall fund

The Arizona Indian town hall fund is established that consists of monies collected or received at Indian town halls as fees that are intended to defray administrative costs related to these town halls pursuant to section 41-2052. The governor's office on tribal relations shall deposit, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, all fees collected from this activity in this fund.

Contact Us

Jason Chavez, Director of Tribal Affairs
Governor's Office of Tribal Relations
1700 W. Washington St., Suite 235
Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Phone: 602.542.4426
Fax: 602.542.4428
Email Us