Indian Nations and Tribes Legislative Day Office on Tribal Relations
Office on Tribal Relations

Office on Tribal Relations

2025 Indian Nations and Tribes Legislative Day

Indian Nations and Tribes Legislative Day

30th Anniversary Indian Nations and Tribes Legislative Day
Wednesday, January 15th, 2025
Embracing Our Past, Celebrating Our Future

9:30am Check-in / Programs and Resources Fair - Senate Lawn
11:00am Joint Protocol Session: Arizona State Senate (Live stream available)
  • Traditional Song – TBA
  • Posting of the Colors – Pascua Yaqui Veterans Post 124 - Guadalupe
  • Pledge of Allegiance – Gila Crossing Community School
  • Invocation – Isabella Newman (San Carlos Apache Tribe), Miss Indian Arizona
  • Opening Remarks
    • Hon. Warren Petersen, Senate President
    • Hon. Steve Montenegro, Speaker of the House
  • Tribal Nations Address
    • Hon. Amelia Flores, Chairwoman, Colorado River Indian Tribes
    • Hon. Stephen Roe Lewis, Governor, Gila River Indian Community
    • Hon. Sandra Pattea, President Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation
12:30pm Community Luncheon: Senate Lawn
  • Lunch provided by Emerson Fry Bread and Alyssa’s Kosin
  • Entertainment by Cruz Band (Tohono O’odham Nation)
1:30pm Breakout Sessions
  • Arizona Department of Transportation: Partnering for Success
    The work at ADOT greatly depends on knowledge-sharing and collaboration. With about 1,200 miles of Arizona’s state highway system crossing tribal lands, ADOT acknowledges and respects tribal sovereignty and strives to work with the Arizona tribes as partners, not stakeholders. ADOT celebrates 50 years of building success stories and lessons learned from unique collaborations.

    Location: TBD

  • Lighting the Fire: Native Youth Navigating Advocacy in the Present and into the Future
    Hosted by Unity National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc.

    Location: TBD

Sponsorship Packet
Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration


The Governor's Office on Tribal Relations, in cooperation with representatives from the State's Tribal Nations, annually facilitates an Indian Nations and Tribes Legislative Day on Wednesday of the first week of each regular legislative session.

Invitations are extended to each member of the state legislature, Governor and other elected officials to pay tribute to the history and culture of the American Indian peoples and their contributions to the prosperity and cultural diversity of the United States.

The day begins with a Joint-Protocol Session hosted by either the House of Representatives or Senate with floor privileges extended to tribal leaders to join their representative(s) during the session. The session traditionally begins with a posting of the colors, pledge of allegiance, invocation, brief comments from both the Senate President and Speaker of the House and features a keynote address by a Tribal Leader. Followed by activities and discussions between state and Indian Nations and tribal leaders on issues of common interest.

Indian Nations and Tribes Legislative day is not a legal holiday.

For more general information regarding Indian Nations and Tribes Legislative Day
Contact the GOTR office at 602-542-4426

For more information regarding sponsorship and exhibitors information contact, Cissimarie Juan.
Phone: 602-542-4426

Contact Us

Jason Chavez, Director of Tribal Affairs
Governor's Office of Tribal Relations
1700 W. Washington St., Suite 235
Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Phone: 602.542.4426
Fax: 602.542.4428
Email Us